Tuesday, April 16, 2019
7 PM (Doors at 6:30 PM)
Crowley Theater
98 S Austin St, Marfa
Marfa Live Arts’ 2019 playwright-in-residence Mónica Sánchez presented 88 CrossTown on Tuesday, April 16th, at the Crowley Theater at 7.00pm (doors at 6.30 pm.) Marfa actors Arthur Ruiz and Junie Villarreal performed alongside Sánchez.
88 CrossTown is a play about an unlikely friendship that ensues between a young man and woman as they are captive on a bus ride across the city on a late night. It is a journey traversing barriers of fear, suspicion, and simple human truths.
When asked why she is looking forward to in staging 88 CrossTown in Marfa, Sánchez said, “I’m looking forward to revisiting this (semi-neglected) offspring. I have had just enough time and distance from the text to be excited and a bit nervous about reacquainting myself with the play via the collaboration of other actors and an audience. I’m also interested to see how/if this piece that is grounded in an urban reality has resonance in a town like Marfa.”
During her time in Marfa, Sánchez also taught Marfa Live Arts' 8th Annual Playwriting Workshop with Marfa High School students April 15-19. Her work with Marfa Live Arts in collaboration with Marfa Public Schools was the primary reason Sánchez was in Marfa. She worked with students in their English classes and helped them write their own one-act plays. Winning plays written by Marfa students during the Playwriting Workshop were performed by local actors and staged during the 8th Annual One-Act Plays at the Crowley Theater on Wednesday, May 1, 2019.
Mónica Sánchez has followed her bliss towards a life in the theatre and the theatre of life. Over three decades she has honed the craft of professional actor (AEA and SAG/AFTRA); written and developed work collaboratively and independently for the stage; directed a handful of productions small and large; and enjoyed a myriad of assignments as a teaching artist and community engagement facilitator.
She began her longtime allegiance to the theatre as an actor in New Mexico with La Compañía de Teatro before relocating to San Juan Bautista, California where she spent one year with Luís Valdez' El Teatro Campesino. Subsequently she moved to San Francisco where she would hone her acting chops originating numerous roles penned by playwright, Octavio Solís as well as work produced by The Magic Theatre; Campo Santo; Eureka; Word for Word; Daedelus; Thick Description; Intersection for the Arts, The Asian American Theatre Center and The San Francisco Mime Troupe.
At the turn of the century she picked up stakes to Los Angeles, California where she enjoyed many collaborations with Luís Alfaro, Culture Clash, the Latino Theatre Lab, South Coast Repertory, San Diego Repertory, Erik Ehn, Cornerstone Theatre, Bob Glaudini, Shirley Jo Finney, Playwright's Arena, Diane Rodriguez, and Company of Angels.
She holds an MFA in Dramatic Writing from the University of New Mexico. Her play, Los Dreamers received the Distinguished Achievement for the Rosa Parks Playwriting Award, the Kennedy Center Latinx Playwriting award and was a semi-finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights’ Festival. Her play, Rubi X:#her too was a finalist for the Leah Ryan Emerging Women Writers Award. She has received readings at the "Black and Latino Playwright's Festival" at the University of Texas, "The Ingenio Festival" at Milagro Theatre in Portland, OR and "The Black Swan Residency" at The Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, OR.
88 CrossTown photo by Jessica Lutz.
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2019 Playwright in residence and actor Mónica Sánchez. Poster by Natalie Melendez.
88 CrossTown photos by Jessica Lutz.
Marfa Live Arts and the staged reading are generously supported by the Texas Commission on the Arts, Permian Basin Area Foundation, Still Water Foundation Fund of Permian Basin Area Foundation, and City of Marfa. This program could not be realized without the collaboration of Marfa Independent School District’s Superintendent Oscar Aguero, Principal John Sherrill, PhD and educators Linda Ojeda and Mary Mois. Special thanks to Hotel Paisano, Tim Crowley & Emily Williams of Crowley Theater, Rob Crowley, and Mayor Ann Marie Nafziger, Yvonne Beltran of Salsa Puedes, Big Bend Sentinel and Marfa Public Radio.