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Thursday, December 17, 2020 

7 PM Central Time


Click Here for Free Reservations & Tickets


Marfa Live Arts & MISD invite you to our Winter Showcase Theater event -- Magic and Monologues!
Marfa Live Arts y MISD te invita a nuestro evento Winter Showcase Theatre -- Magico y Monologues!


The award-winning Marfa Junior High writers who will have their words brought to life are: Ava Flores, Kassandra Garcia, Amaya Gomez, Amber Hinojos, Diego Jurado, Sara Salgado Martinez, Katana Melendez, Ayven Pippen and Isaiah Ramos.

An online Zoom production: Thursday, December 17th at 7pm
Una producción de Zoom en línea: el jueves, 17 de diciembre a 7pm

Guests include Mago Krypto from Guadalajara, Mexico doing card tricks/magic (en español y ingles) + professional actors bringing life to award-winning monologues written by Marfa Junior High students.

Los invitados incluyen a Mago Krypto de Guadalajara, México, haciendo trucos de cartas / magia (en español y inglés) + actores profesionales que dan vida a los galardonados monólogos escritos por estudiantes de Marfa Junior High.


Show opener, performing in both English and Spanish, Diego “Mago Krypto” Zenteno has been performing magic for over a decade, having found his calling at the age of eight while watching television. “The first time I saw magic was on a TV special. The magician was doing an act with a piece of thread and I ran to my parents and said, ‘I want to be a magician,’” he said excitedly. “I found a universe of tricks and secrets. It took me twelve years before I was able to perform a one-hour show.” Zenteno’s hard work and dedication, he added, has led to a career which has garnered him five first-place trophies in national magic competitions in Mexico, work with international companies such as Nissan and Coca Cola, and helping found a magic school in Guadalajara. Mago shares, "One thing that’s beautiful about magic is that we can connect with people all around the world. It doesn’t matter the language or where you are,” he said, "It’s an amazing project and I’m excited to share my magic with you all.”


Actors include Alpine-based David DeLaO (Better Call Saul, The Marksman); Giselle Marie Muñoz, an Austin-based theater and film actor who co-founded the Austin Arthouse Film Festival; Austin-based playwright Raul Garza, who received the National Latino Playwriting Award for his full-length play Fantasmaville; and actor Mindy Escobar-Leanse, whose credits include Henson Studios/PBS’ Dinosaur Train Live! Buddy’s Big Adventure, the UK and Japan tour for off-Broadway show The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and Puppet Titus Andronicus.

Click & Register HERE to attend this free, feel-good, festive holiday event.
Haga clic y regístrese AQUÍ para asistir a este evento festivo festivo, gratuito y para sentirse bien.













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Permian Basin Foundation

Marfa Live Arts

PO Box 1365

Marfa, TX 79843

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Marfa Live Arts engages a diverse community through the performing arts, arts education, film, music, and other cultural arts programs. Marfa Live Arts celebrates the cultural riches of the people of the Big Bend and enhances the area tourist appeal through sophisticated programming featuring the talents of the region's own professional performers, dedicated amateurs, and international artists.

Marfa Live Arts is a 501(c)3 Organization.
© 2018 by Marfa Live Arts. 
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