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In association with Marfa Independent School District 

A Playwriting Preparatory Workshop: Marfa Junior High 

December 7-11, 2020


Marfa Live Arts teaches the playwriting prep workshop to all Marfa Junior High students via an online platform. This workshop serves as the primer course to prepare students for the high school’s Playwriting Program which Marfa Live Arts has taught for ten years. The focus of the workshop is give students building blocks to create a writing process to express themselves. Students are led through a three-part series comprised of: Relaxation Technique, Observation Exercises and Writing Studio. Students are coached through writing exercises that are designed to teach dramatic form and to help them find/express their inner voice. This workshop builds self-confidence in students expressing themselves and it also teaches how to build structure of dynamic scenes involving character development, backstory, and conflict.


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Permian Basin Foundation

Marfa Live Arts

PO Box 1365

Marfa, TX 79843

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Marfa Live Arts engages a diverse community through the performing arts, arts education, film, music, and other cultural arts programs. Marfa Live Arts celebrates the cultural riches of the people of the Big Bend and enhances the area tourist appeal through sophisticated programming featuring the talents of the region's own professional performers, dedicated amateurs, and international artists.

Marfa Live Arts is a 501(c)3 Organization.
© 2018 by Marfa Live Arts. 
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